Tangled is an adventure-packed family comedy, directed by the joint efforts of Nathan Greno and Byron Howard. The movie revolves around a charming bandit Flynn Rider and a beautiful princess Rapunzel, who has 70 feet long magical golden hair.
Flynn finds an isolated tower to hide, where Rapunzel is kidnapped by a greedy Mother Gothel since her childhood. Princess, who has spent her entire life in this tower, falls in love with this bandit. Now, in order to get this bandit, she deals with the outer world for the first time in her life. So, to know how she meets bandit, do watch Tangled video.
Those who love animation and 3D movie should watch this movie. Tangled should be entertainment anyone who watch this movie.
This movie directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, mean while the writers for this movie is Dan Fogelman and helped by two fairy tail Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm.
The voice for each character on this movie is Mandy Moore As Rapunzel, Zachary Levi As Flynn Ryder, Donna Murphy As Mother Gothel, Ron Perlman As Stabbington Brother, M.C. Gainey As Captain of the Guard, Jeffrey Tambor As Big Nose Thug, Brad Garrett As Hook Hand Thug, Paul F. Tompkins As Short Thug, Richard Kiel As Vlad
for more info about this movie you can visit IMDB
Tangled was including into Family movie, so you can watch with all your family member right in front your PC or Laptop.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/movies-articles/watch-tangled-online-free-megavideo-3742761.html#ixzz16YaLkgKX
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